Why did I receive an email saying my blood test results were unreadable?

Why did I receive an email saying my blood test results were unreadable?

Our system uses advanced APIs to detect and process blood test results. For the best accuracy, we recommend uploading electronically generated PDF files, as they are processed more reliably. Scanned documents or photos of results are acceptable, but they must be clear and easy to read. Make sure images are not tilted, faded, or poorly lit, as this can interfere with our API’s ability to process your data.

What file formats can I upload?

We support the following file types:
  • .pdf
  • .jpeg / .jpg
  • .png
Files in other formats cannot be processed.

What does the API do?

  • Text Extraction: The API extracts text from your uploaded file.
  • Attribute Identification: It identifies specific attributes in the text.
  • Data Validation: It converts files and performs checks to ensure the data is correct and complete.

Why were my blood results unreadable?

There are several reasons why your results might not have been processed:
  • Corrupted File: The file may be damaged or un-openable.
  • Unsupported File Type: Please make sure you’re uploading a PDF, JPEG, or PNG file.
  • Blurry or Unclear Image: If you're uploading a photo of your results, ensure it’s clear, properly lit, and easy to read.
  • Additional Documents: Only upload your blood results. If you need to provide more details relating to your Treatment Recommendation, please book a session to discuss them before submitting your request.
  • Missing Information: Ensure all required test results are included and clearly labelled. Read more on required blood tests.

What should I do next?

Submit a new Treatment Recommendation request and upload a clear, properly formatted file of your blood test results for review.