How do I generate my Treatment Recommendation on the GenderGP platform?

How do I generate my Treatment Recommendation on the GenderGP platform?

Your Treatment Recommendation is a comprehensive document providing you with details of your recommended medical treatment and monitoring. To generate this, please submit a Treatment Recommendation request. On the form, provide us with details of your current medication, medical history, and preferences. If you are a new member then you will need to attend an Information Gathering Session (if over 16 years of age) or a Capacity to Consent Session (if under 16).

Once you've completed the request form and the consent session, your bespoke recommendation will be sent to you via email. 

Note: Your GenderGP subscription includes the Treatment Recommendation so there’s nothing to pay for this. If you’d like us to refer you to an independent prescriber to receive a prescription for the recommended medication, you can select this within the form and pay the £15 prescriber referral fee. You’ll still receive a copy of your Treatment Recommendation regardless of whether you opt for a referral.