Types of Consent Sessions: IGS and Capacity to Consent

Types of Consent Sessions: IGS and Capacity to Consent

Empowering Informed Gender-Affirming Care

GenderGP’s Information Gathering Session (IGS) and our Capacity to Consent Session are vital components of our commitment to providing access to positive recommendations for gender-affirming care.

Embarking on a gender-affirming journey is a deeply personal and significant step in one’s life. To ensure that individuals receive the care and support they need, GenderGP introduced Information Gathering Sessions and Capacity to Consent Sessions. These sessions are designed to empower individuals by providing a safe space to discuss their gender identity and make informed decisions regarding their gender-affirming care and transition.

How are the sessions conducted?

We conduct our consultations and sessions through Google Meet, a user-friendly and secure video conferencing platform. When you schedule an appointment with us, the Google Meet link will be seamlessly integrated into your calendar entry and notification email. This allows for a hassle-free experience, as you can simply click on the provided link at the scheduled time to join the session. Google Meet ensures the privacy and confidentiality of our interactions while providing a reliable and straightforward means of communication. Our dedicated team is well-versed in using Google Meet to ensure a smooth and effective experience for all our members.

Outcomes from the Session

There are two distinct outcomes from the session that are needed in order for the GenderGP Team to create Treatment Recommendations to be passed to either your doctor or to one of the independent prescribers:

Outcome One: ICD-11 Criteria for Gender Incongruence of Adolescence and Adulthood (Code 6D50):

The International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision (ICD-11), includes criteria for diagnosing Gender Incongruence. It’s important to note that the ICD-11 has moved away from pathologising gender diversity and instead focuses on recognising and addressing the healthcare needs of individuals with gender incongruence. The criteria are as follows:

  1. A strong and persistent cross-gender identification: Individuals identify with the gender different from their natal or assigned gender and have a strong and persistent desire to live and be accepted as a member of that gender.
  2. Aversion towards one’s natal or assigned gender: Individuals experience a strong and persistent aversion towards their natal or assigned gender, including discomfort with the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics associated with it.
  3. The condition is associated with clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning: The incongruence between one’s experienced or expressed gender and natal or assigned gender leads to distress or impairs the individual’s ability to function effectively in various aspects of their life.

Capacity to consent refers to an individual’s ability to understand, process, and make informed decisions about their own medical treatment, interventions, or procedures. It involves having the cognitive and emotional capacity to comprehend relevant information, weigh the potential risks and benefits, and voluntarily provide or withhold consent based on their own preferences and values. Capacity to consent is a fundamental principle in medical ethics, ensuring that individuals have the autonomy to make choices about their healthcare in a manner that respects their values and rights.

Will I have to have a Consent Session if I have already been diagnosed with Gender Incongruence?

Unless you have a report that unequivocally confirms your alignment with the ICD-11 criteria for Gender Incongruence and your capacity to provide informed consent for medical transition a GenderGP consent session will still be required. These sessions serve as a comprehensive means of ensuring that individuals are fully informed about the medical aspects of their transition, including potential risks, benefits, and alternative options. They also offer an opportunity for individuals to have any questions or concerns addressed by experienced Session Providers.

Do my Parents / Guardians have to attend?

If you are able to give informed consent to your own healthcare then you can do this alone. Some countries require that young people have to have a parent or guardian with them where other countries recognise that young people have the capacity to understand the proposed treatment and its effects, and can have the capacity to give their own consent.

Understanding Consent Sessions

  • A Supportive Conversation: Our Consent Sessions serve as an opportunity for individuals to have meaningful conversations with experienced specialists who understand gender identity.
  • Personalised Care: These sessions are not a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, they are tailored to each individual’s unique needs, preferences, and goals.
  • Informed Decisions: During these sessions, individuals can discuss their desires and concerns, allowing them to make informed decisions about their gender-affirming care.
  • Access to a Team of Advisers: Sessions are a gateway to accessing a team of knowledgeable advisers who can provide guidance and support throughout the journey.
  • The Importance of Informed Consent: Consent Sessions emphasise the significance of informed consent in gender-affirming care. Informed consent means that individuals have the right to make decisions about their own healthcare when they are provided with accurate and complete information.
  • Empowering Autonomy: These sessions are designed to empower individuals by ensuring they understand the implications of their decisions and have the capacity to consent to medical interventions.
  • Ethical and Legal Framework: Sessions operate within the framework of medical ethics and legal standards, respecting an individual’s right to make decisions about their own body.
  • Facilitating Access: By participating in these sessions, individuals gain access to GenderGP’s algorithm-driven recommendations and the services that facilitate their gender-affirming care and transition.

The Intersection of Gender Identity and Informed Consent

Gender identity is a deeply personal and integral aspect of a person’s life. At GenderGP, we believe that individuals have the right to explore and express their gender identity in a supportive and informed manner.

Our Information Gathering and Capacity to Consent Sessions are designed to bridge the gap between understanding one’s gender identity and making informed decisions about gender-affirming care. We recognise that every journey is unique, and our commitment is to provide a safe and affirming environment for individuals to express themselves and access the care they need.


GenderGP’s Information Gathering and Capacity to Consent Sessions are vital components of our commitment to helping people access gender-affirming care. By offering personalised support and ensuring individuals have the capacity to consent to their medical decisions, we empower them to navigate their gender-affirming journey with confidence and autonomy. Gender identity is a fundamental aspect of who we are, and it deserves to be respected, understood, and celebrated.

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