How long does it take to get a Treatment Recommendation from GenderGP?

How long does it take to get a Treatment Recommendation from GenderGP?

Technically, the Treatment Recommendation is generated immediately after you provide your information and preferences. However, you'll need to complete all required steps (i.e. the Information Gathering Session, paying your fees, and submitting any necessary blood test results) before you have access to your recommendation.

For most people who are secure in their gender identity and able to give informed consent, the process should only take a couple of weeks. Having the IGS or consent session with the specialist should only take a week or so.

If the medication choices you make require you to have any blood tests, obviously that will delay things. Some people opt to start with easy regimens while they sort their blood tests (find out more below). 

Additionally, if you want to take steps to preserve your fertility before you transition, start that process in advance as this will also delay when you can begin medication.

Note: To use the finger prick test, you need to be 16 or older and not taking spironolactone. Vitall, the service provider, will send your blood test results directly to your email address.

If you're taking spironolactone, you'll need an intravenous blood sample. You can get this through an online blood test service of your choosing, through your GP if they're willing to help, or at a private clinic/hospital.

If you need a Blood Test Referral Letter to advise your GP or healthcare provider, you can purchase one through the Treatment Recommendation form for £20. The letter explains why you need blood tests and which ones you'll need to get (read more here: Obtaining Letters and Reports).

When you have your results, please submit them in the Treatment Recommendation form for analysis.