Why haven't I received my Treatment Recommendation yet? What went wrong?

Why haven't I received my Treatment Recommendation yet? What went wrong?

If you haven’t received your Treatment Recommendation yet, it could be because of one of the following reasons:

For Enrolling Members

If you're in the process of enrolling, you need to have your Information Gathering Session (IGS) first. Then, we will process your recommendation.

As your recommendation is created the moment you apply, it is ready and waiting for all necessary steps to be completed by you. This includes ensuring you have provided us with the correct email address associated with your payments and subscription.

If you need help with this you can book a Quick Chat Session, speak to an agent in Live Chat, or submit a new request selecting that you are 'waiting to start' and including both your correspondence email and payment email.

For Existing Members

Your recommendation is created the moment you submit your request. However, if you don't provide us with the correct email address associated with your payments and subscription, your request will be automatically rejected. If this happens, you will need to fill in a new request form.

Even if your subscription is confirmed in Stripe, we cannot process your application if the email address provided on your form is incorrect.

Other Reasons

If you have completed your IGS and submitted all the necessary information, but have not yet received your Treatment Recommendation, please consider the following possibilities:

  1. The email may have been sent but could have ended up in your spam folder—please mark us as a 'safe sender.'
  2. You might have made a typo in your email address—please submit a new request with the correct address.
  3. You may have missed including relevant information, such as your medical history, preferences, or other personal details—watch for an email requesting additional details and submit a new request.

  1. Please note that when submitting a new Treatment Recommendation request, we DO NOT require any additional payment, as it is included in your subscription. However, we recommend that you keep your subscription active and up to date at all times.
  2. We are unable to manually resend a Treatment Recommendation, as it is generated from your individual form submission. If you do not receive it within 48 hours (on weekdays), please resubmit your request.

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