What documentation will I need in order for me to bring my medication across the border into Norway?

What documentation will I need in order for me to bring my medication across the border into Norway?

If you are wishing to collect your medication from outside of Norway, the following restrictions apply:

● You may bring a maximum of a 30-day supply of Testosterone to Norway, provided you can demonstrate the medication is for personal use.

● We advise you to retain the original packaging and informational leaflet of the medication, and request a copy of your prescription (free) for use during travel.

● We can supply a free copy of your prescription and a travelling with medication letter (£25) for these purposes.

● We recommend checking with the appropriate border control authorities for current and pertinent information relating to the importation of a schedule 3 controlled drug before travel.

Source: LOVDATA, April 2023 – Section 19. Bringing in medicinal products containing drugs for personal medical use by travellers.