Unwanted Effects of GnRHa Puberty Blockers

Unwanted Effects of GnRHa Puberty Blockers

The table below lists the known side effects, but some of these effects may actually be the desired therapeutic effects in certain medical contexts.

It’s important to understand that people can have varying responses to medications, and what one person experiences may differ from another. If a specific side effect is not listed, it’s less likely to be directly caused by the medication, but this does not rule out the possibility entirely.

In cases where you suspect a medication may be causing an unwanted effect, adjusting the medication, trying an alternative treatment, or discontinuing the medication can help clarify whether the side effect is medication-related or has another underlying cause.

Side Effects
Very Common (> 10%)
– Asthenia / Weakness
– Decreased Hemoglobin
– Mood Changes
– Hot Flush (73%)
– Hypertension / High Blood Pressure (14%)
– Hyperhidrosis / Increased Sweating
– Impotence (40%)
– Urinary Tract Infection (12%)
– Erectile Dysfunction (10%)
– Dysuria / Painful Urination
– Painful Sex
– Painful Periods
– Pelvic Pain
– Vulvovaginal Dryness
– Bleeding/Spotting
– Genital Hemorrhage (Including Menorrhagia And Metrorrhagia)
– Increased Liver Enzymes
– Increased Glucose
– Influenza (16%)
– Paresthesia / tingling In Lower Limbs
– Skeletal Pain (13%)
– Back Pain (11%)
Common (1%-10%)
– Abnormal Liver Function
– Anemia
– Bronchitis
– Coughing
– Dyspnea / Trouble Breathing
– Pharyngitis
– Dependent Edema / Swelling
– Diabetes Mellitus/High Blood Sugar
– Anorexia
– Eye Pain
– Conjunctivitis
– Headache
– Dizziness
– Tiredness
– Hypersensitivity Reaction
– Injection Site Pain
– Injection Site Reactions
– Injection Site Erythema
– Injection Site Inflammation
– Insomnia
– Feeling Emotional
– Loss Of Libido
– Depression
– Depressed Mood
– Irritability
– Leg Pain
– Peripheral Edema / Swelling / Swelling
– Back Pain
– Tiredness
– Chest Pain
– Edema / Swelling
– Nausea
– Vomiting
– Constipation
– Dyspepsia
– Diarrhea
– Abdominal / Stomach Pain
– Abdominal Discomfort
– Pain In Extremity
– Arthralgia (Joint Pains)
– Edema / Swelling In Legs
– Leg Cramps
– Myalgia (Muscle Pains)
– Musculoskeletal Pain
– Muscle Spasms
– Rash
– Pruritus / Itching
– Testicular Atrophy
– Breast Pain
– Gynecomastia / Breast Growth
– Urinary Retention
– Abdominal / Stomach Pain Upper
– Dry Mouth
– Acne
– Alopecia / Hair Loss
– Allergic Reactions
– Asthma Aggravated
– Blood Creatinine Increased
– Embolism
– Gama-Glutamyl Transferase Increased
– Lethargy
– Pain
– Rigors
– Blood Lactate Dehydrogenase Increased
– Blood Cholesterol Increased
– Muscle Cramp
– Muscular Weakness
– Testicular Pain
– Tinnitus / Ringing in the Ears
– Sleepiness
– Paresthesia / tingling
– Weight Increased
– Gout
– Increased Appetite
– Weight Decreased
Rare (< 0.1%)
– Abdominal Bloating
– Taste Disturbance
– Flatulence / Wind
– Abnormal Sensation In Eye
– Visual Disturbance
– Anaphylactic Reaction
– Hypersensitivity
– Blood Alkaline Phosphatase Increased
– Confusional State
– Decreased Activity
– Euphoric Mood
– Ejaculation Failure
– Hypotension / Low Blood Pressure
– Joint Stiffness
– Joint Swelling
– Musculoskeletal Stiffness
– Osteoarthritis
– Orthopnea
– Epistaxis
– Nasopharyngitis
– Purpura / Bruising
– Blister
– Pyrexia / High Temperature
– Influenza Like Illness
– Body Temperature Increased
– Vertigo
– Dysstasia
– Memory Impairment
– Anaphylactic Shock
– AngioEdema / Swelling
– Chills
– Gastralgia
– Increased Lymphocyte Count
– Testosterone Levels Increased
– Testosterone Levels Decreased
– Increased Bone Loss
– Osteoporosis
– Bone Fracture
– Bone Disorder
– Epiphysiolysis
– Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
– Worsening Of Neuropathy
– Spinal Cord Compression With Weakness Or Paralysis Of The Lower Extremities
Unkown Frequency
– Amenorrhea
– Angioneurotic Edema / Swelling
– Urticaria / Itching
– Anxiety
– Affect Lability
– Nervousness
– Blood Pressure Increased
– Thromboembolic Events Including
But Not Limited To
Pulmonary Emboli
Cerebrovascular Accident
Myocardial Infarction
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Transient Ischemic Attack (mini-stroke)
And Thrombophlebitis
– Bone Pain
– Convulsions / Fits
– Malaise / Feeling Unwell
– Pituitary Adenoma
– Pituitary Apoplexy
– Vision Blurred
– The Majority Of Pituitary Apoplexy Cases Occurred Within 2 Weeks Of The First Dose
Some Within The First Hour. In These Cases, Pituitary Apoplexy Presented As Sudden Headache
Visual Changes
Altered Mental Status
And Sometimes Cardiovascular Collapse. Immediate
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