Understanding Bottom Growth in Transmasculine Individuals

Understanding Bottom Growth in Transmasculine Individuals


"Bottom growth" refers to the physical changes experienced by transmasculine individuals during masculinising hormone therapy, particularly the growth of the clitoris.

In the process of masculinization, bottom growth can be a significant and affirming change for many transmasculine individuals. Through hormone therapy, specifically testosterone treatment, this growth is typically initiated, with the extent and rate varying among individuals. It’s a natural part of the transition process and aligns with the broader physical changes that occur during hormone therapy.

Timeline and Extent of Growth

  • Early Change: It’s often one of the early changes seen, typically occurring within 3-6 months of starting treatment.
  • Ongoing Changes: Growth continues as long as testosterone levels remain in the target range.
  • Maximum Growth: The peak of growth usually happens between 1-2 years.

Individual Variation

  • Diverse Responses: Each person’s body responds differently to hormones, leading to varied extents of bottom growth.
  • Unpredictability: It’s impossible to predict the exact degree of growth for each individual.

Myths and Facts About Enhancing Growth

  • DHT and Compound Testosterone Creams: Despite some beliefs, there is no evidence or research supporting the effectiveness of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) or compound testosterone creams in enhancing bottom growth. These are not recommended in clinical guidelines.
  • Role of Testosterone and DHT: Both hormones contribute to bottom growth, with optimal growth achieved when testosterone levels are within the cis male range.
  • No Proven Alternatives: Apart from maintaining appropriate testosterone levels, there are no proven methods or products to increase bottom growth.

Currently, there are no scientifically proven non-medical methods to increase bottom growth in transmasculine individuals. Growth primarily depends on hormonal changes induced by medical treatments such as hormone therapy. Any non-medical approaches or alternative therapies should be approached with caution.

Genetic Factors

  • Variability in Growth: Genetic factors play a significant role, with some individuals experiencing minimal growth (around 1cm) and others more substantial growth (4-6 cm).


Regarding surgical options, metoidioplasty is a procedure available for transmasculine individuals. This surgery involves creating a phallus from the existing genital tissue, enhanced by the effects of testosterone. It’s a choice for those seeking further gender-affirming physical changes and can be an important step in aligning one’s physical body with their gender identity. As with any surgery, it’s important to discuss the risks, benefits, and expectations with a specialist.


Bottom growth is a significant and variable aspect of masculinising hormone therapy. While the extent of growth varies among individuals, maintaining optimal testosterone levels is key. It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand the limitations of current medical knowledge regarding enhancement methods.

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