The Role of Hormonal Top-Ups in Feminising and Masculinising Regimes

The Role of Hormonal Top-Ups in Feminising and Masculinising Regimes

For individuals undergoing gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT), managing hormone levels effectively is essential for both physical and emotional well-being. Hormonal treatments, while transformative, can sometimes lead to unintended side effects, requiring fine-tuning to address specific issues such as libido, sexual function, and vulvovaginal health. In some cases, people on feminising regimes may benefit from a small dose of testosterone, while people on masculinising regimes may need a bit of estradiol to address specific symptoms like vulvovaginitis.

Testogel for Feminising Regimes: Managing Libido and Sexual Function

For those on feminising hormone therapy (commonly using estradiol and anti-androgens to block testosterone), libido and sexual function can sometimes decline. While blocking testosterone is a key goal of these treatments, it can also impact sexual desire and function, which for some individuals, becomes a source of concern. To address this, small doses of testosterone, such as Testogel (testosterone gel), may be used to restore balance.

Why Add Testosterone to a Feminising Regime?

  1. Libido: Testosterone plays a key role in sexual desire. Some individuals on feminising hormones find that their libido drops significantly, making it difficult to maintain a healthy sex life.
  2. Sexual Function: Testosterone also contributes to sexual function, such as sensitivity and arousal. A slight increase in testosterone levels can help improve these aspects, without compromising the overall feminising effects of the hormone regimen.

Typical Dosing: One Pump of Testogel Twice a Week

For those needing just a small boost of testosterone, Testogel is often prescribed at a very low dose—one pump twice a week. This minimal dosing helps maintain sexual function and libido without leading to masculinising effects. It strikes a careful balance, ensuring that testosterone levels remain low enough to avoid unwanted changes while still providing the benefits needed for sexual health.

How It Works:

  1. Application: Testogel is typically applied to the skin, often on the upper arms or thighs, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream.
  2. Slow Absorption: The gradual release of testosterone helps avoid sudden spikes in hormone levels, keeping the balance delicate and controlled.
By using this low dose, many individuals on feminising regimes can experience improvements in their libido and sexual well-being, without reversing the feminising effects they desire.

Estradiol Cream for Masculinising Regimes: Managing Vulvovaginitis

For those on masculinising hormone therapy (typically using testosterone to achieve masculinising effects), a common but often overlooked issue is the onset of vulvovaginitis, or inflammation of the vulva and vagina. This condition is often caused by reduced estrogen levels due to testosterone therapy, which can lead to vaginal dryness, discomfort, and irritation. For this reason, a low-dose estradiol cream may be prescribed to help alleviate these symptoms while maintaining the desired masculinising effects.

Why Use Estradiol Cream in a Masculinising Regime?

  1. Vaginal Health: Estrogen is crucial for maintaining vaginal tissue health. Without it, the tissues can become thin, dry, and more prone to irritation or infection.
  2. Vulvovaginitis Relief: A small amount of estradiol cream applied directly to the vaginal area can help relieve symptoms of vulvovaginitis, such as dryness, itching, and discomfort, by promoting moisture and tissue health.

How It Works:

  1. Topical Application: Estradiol cream is applied directly to the affected area (typically in or around the vagina) in a small dose to avoid systemic absorption and masculinisation reversal.
  2. Localised Effects: This approach ensures that only the vaginal area receives the estrogen, leaving overall hormone levels—and the desired masculinising effects—unchanged.
By managing symptoms like dryness and irritation, estradiol cream can help improve the quality of life for individuals on testosterone therapy, without compromising the progress they’ve made in their masculinising journey.

Finding Balance in Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is an important part of the transition process for many transgender and non-binary individuals, but it can sometimes require careful adjustments to meet the unique needs of the person undergoing treatment. Whether it’s adding a small amount of testosterone to improve libido and sexual function on a feminising regimen, or applying estradiol cream to relieve vulvovaginitis symptoms on a masculinising regimen, these tailored treatments can make a significant difference
in overall well-being.

Important Considerations:

  1. Monitor Hormone Levels: Regular blood tests are essential to ensure that hormone levels remain within the desired range and to avoid any unintended effects from testosterone or estradiol use.
  2. Work Closely with a specialist service: Both testogel and estradiol cream should be used under the guidance of a specialist, who can recommend appropriate doses and monitor how these additions interact with the primary hormone therapy.
By working closely with a knowledgeable specialist and making small adjustments when needed, individuals on gender-affirming hormone therapy can find a healthy balance that supports both their physical and emotional well-being.


While gender-affirming hormone therapy can be life-changing, it is not a one-size-fits-all process. For people on feminising regimes who need a little testosterone to support libido and sexual function, and for those on masculinising regimes who need a touch of estradiol to manage vulvovaginitis, these hormonal top-ups offer a valuable way to fine-tune their transition. Always consult with your specialist before making any changes to your treatment plan to ensure that your unique needs are met in a safe and effective manner.
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