Tadalafil in Gender-Affirming Care: An Overview

Tadalafil in Gender-Affirming Care: An Overview


Gender-affirming care plays a pivotal role in improving the well-being and mental health of transgender and gender-diverse individuals. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of addressing not only gender identity but also the physical aspects of gender transition. Tadalafil, a medication commonly known for its use in treating erectile dysfunction, has found new relevance in gender-affirming care due to its versatility in addressing various aspects of this journey.

Tadalafil and Erectile Function

Tadalafil belongs to a class of medications called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. Traditionally, it has been used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in cisgender men. However, its mechanism of action – increasing blood flow to the genital area – has proven valuable for transgender women (assigned male at birth) who are undergoing hormone therapy with estrogen.

Estrogen treatment often results in reduced erectile function. Transgender women may experience difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, which can be distressing. Tadalafil can help by improving blood flow to the pelvic region, potentially allowing for improved erectile function when desired. This can contribute to a more fulfilling and affirming sex life.

Tadalafil and Penile Atrophy

Another challenge faced by transgender women on hormone therapy is penile atrophy. Estrogen therapy typically leads to the shrinking of the genitalia, which can be both physically and emotionally uncomfortable. Tadalafil’s ability to increase blood flow to the area may help mitigate this side effect, maintaining penile size and functionality.

Tadalafil and Improved Sexual Satisfaction

In addition to its physiological benefits, tadalafil can also enhance the sexual satisfaction of transgender individuals undergoing hormone therapy. A more robust blood supply to the genital area can result in increased sensitivity and pleasure during sexual activity.

Dosage and Administration

The dosage of tadalafil in gender-affirming care may vary depending on individual needs. It is typically taken on an as-needed basis, with the dosage ranging from 2.5 mg to 20 mg, usually about 30 minutes before sexual activity. However, healthcare providers may adjust the dose according to the person’s specific situation.


Tadalafil, though traditionally associated with treating erectile dysfunction, has evolved to become a valuable tool in gender-affirming care. Its ability to address issues related to erectile function, penile atrophy, and sexual satisfaction makes it a versatile medication that can significantly improve the quality of life for transgender women.

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