Self-Administration of Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Injections

Self-Administration of Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Injections

Alternatively, you can purchase your Injection Training Session through the Treatment Recommendation request form as an add-on.

A self-injection training session in the context of hormone therapy or other medical treatments that require self-administration of injections, covers several important aspects to ensure that members can safely and effectively administer their medication.

Here’s an outline of what such a session covers:

  • Overview of the Medication:
    • Purpose and benefits of the medication.
    • Possible side effects and what to do if they occur.
    • Storage instructions for the medication.
    • Understanding Injection Basics:
  • Types of injections (e.g., intramuscular, subcutaneous).
    • Differentiating between various syringes and needles.
    • Safe handling and disposal of needles and syringes.
  • Preparation for Injection:
    • Hand hygiene and skin cleaning.
    • Preparing the injection site.
    • Proper technique for drawing medication into the syringe.
  • Injection Technique:
    • Step-by-step demonstration of the injection process.
    • Techniques for minimising discomfort.
    • Tips for avoiding common mistakes.
  • Practical Demonstration:
    • Opportunity for the person to practice under supervision.
    • Use of training aids like injection pads, if available.
  • Managing Anxiety or Needle Phobia:
    • Strategies for managing anxiety related to self-injection.
    • Techniques for relaxation and reducing discomfort.
  • Post-Injection Care:
    • Proper disposal of used needles and syringes.
    • Care of the injection site after administration.
    • What to do in case of bleeding or other immediate concerns.
  • Troubleshooting and Problem Solving:
    • How to deal with common issues like missed injections, needle breakage, or difficulty with injection.
    • When and how to contact healthcare providers for assistance.
  • Record Keeping:
    • Keeping track of injection dates and doses.
    • Importance of maintaining a consistent schedule.
  • Safety Measures and Emergency Protocols:
    • Recognising signs of infection or adverse reactions.
    • What to do in case of an allergic reaction or other emergencies.
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations:
    • Understanding the legal aspects of possessing and using injectable medication.
    • Ethical considerations, especially in contexts where self-administration of injections is heavily regulated.
  • Review and Follow-Up:
    • Review of key points.
    • Setting up follow-up appointments or check-ins.

Our self-injection training sessions are designed to empower members to confidently and safely administer their medication, promoting independence and adherence to treatment. These sessions are conducted by specialist healthcare professionals who can provide accurate information and address any concerns the individual may have.

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