Raloxifene in Gender-Affirming Care

Raloxifene in Gender-Affirming Care


Raloxifene, originally developed to treat osteoporosis and prevent breast cancer, holds promise as a supportive adjunct in gender-affirming care, particularly for transgender women and non-binary individuals seeking breast reduction. As a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), raloxifene offers a non-invasive option for mitigating breast tissue growth and alleviating dysphoria associated with breast development.

Mitigating Breast Tissue Growth

Raloxifene works by selectively binding to estrogen receptors in breast tissue, thereby inhibiting the effects of estrogen on cell proliferation and growth. By blocking estrogen’s stimulatory effects, raloxifene can help prevent further breast tissue development in transgender women and non-binary individuals undergoing hormone therapy, promoting a reduction in breast size and alleviating discomfort or dysphoria.

Non-Invasive Alternative

One of the notable advantages of raloxifene is its non-invasive nature compared to surgical breast reduction procedures. As an oral medication taken daily, raloxifene offers a convenient and accessible option for individuals seeking to reduce breast size without undergoing surgery. This approach may be particularly appealing for those who prefer to avoid surgical interventions or who are not surgical candidates.

Adjunct to Hormone Therapy

Raloxifene serves as a valuable adjunct to hormone therapy by targeting specific areas for breast reduction, such as the breast tissue itself. While estrogen therapy promotes overall feminization, including breast development, raloxifene can help counteract this effect by modulating estrogen receptor activity, leading to a reduction in breast size and improved chest contour.

Customized Treatment Plans

Healthcare providers specializing in transgender care collaborate closely with individus to develop personalized treatment plans that incorporate raloxifene as part of a comprehensive approach to limiting breast growth. Dosage, administration frequency, and monitoring protocols are tailored to each individual’s unique needs and treatment goals, ensuring optimal efficacy and safety throughout the transition process.


Raloxifene offers a beneficial adjunct for breast reduction in gender-affirming care, providing transgender women and non-binary individuals with a non-invasive option to alleviate dysphoria associated with breast development. By modulating estrogen receptor activity and promoting breast tissue reduction, raloxifene empowers individuals to achieve their desired chest contour and align their physical appearance with their gender identity, fostering confidence and self-affirmation on their journey of gender transition.

If you think you'd benefit from Raloxifene, you can request an add-on on your Treatment Recommendation form for £10.

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