Cyproterone Is An Option for Under 18s as Alternative to GnRHa Puberty Blockers

Cyproterone Is An Option for Under 18s as Alternative to GnRHa Puberty Blockers

Cyproterone acetate (CPA) is a medication often used in gender-affirming care and to manage conditions related to excess androgens. Typically, CPA isn't licensed for use in young people under a certain age due to the lack of information specific to the age group. However, in some cases - such as in the absence of GnRHa puberty blockers - CPA can be used to suppress the effects of testosterone.

 Healthcare providers prioritise the wellbeing, informed decision-making, and health of their young patients. They often explore alternative approaches that offer flexibility, reversibility, and safety while respecting individual choices and identities. Ultimately, the decision to use CPA or other gender-affirming medications should be made collaboratively, with a focus on ensuring the best possible outcomes for young individuals while acknowledging the need for more research in this area.

Currently, in the UK and in other places that have banned safer, more researched medications for trans youth like GnRHa puberty blockers, CPA can be used as an alternative.

The Australian Treatment Guidelines recommend two medicines that prevent the actions of testosterone, if you can’t use the GnRHa puberty blockers:

  1. Spironolactone 100mg oral daily, increasing to up to 200mg oral twice daily as required
  2. Cyproterone acetate 12.5-50mg oral daily

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