My Clynxx electronic token was opened by the pharmacist. It shows as dispensed, but they didn't give me my medication. What should I do?

My Clynxx electronic token was opened by the pharmacist. It shows as dispensed, but they didn't give me my medication. What should I do?

Unfortunately, now that your electronic token has been opened, it's invalid. To get a new prescription, you'll need to submit another Treatment Recommendation request.

You'll need to make payment within the form again, as this is what pays the independent prescriber. We aren't responsible for pharmacy stock levels, individual pharmacy rules and procedures, or a medication type/dosage not being available in your local area.

We always advise you to check with your pharmacist to ensure they're happy to dispense and have stock before presenting them with your electronic token. You can show them the medication prescribed to you on your Treatment Recommendation to allow them to confirm this before you hand over your prescription.