Medical Therapy for Transgender Persons

Medical Therapy for Transgender Persons

  • Hormone Therapy: The administration of gender-affirming hormone therapy is a significant aspect of transgender care. Evidence-based care in this context relies on research demonstrating the safety, efficacy, and long-term effects of hormone therapy. Guidelines from organisations like the Endocrine Society provide evidence-based recommendations on hormone regimens, monitoring, and managing side effects.
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy: The goal of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in transgender individuals is to better align their physical characteristics with their gender identity, alleviate gender dysphoria, and improve their overall psychological wellbeing and quality of life. The specific objectives of HRT can vary depending on the individual's gender identity, whether they are undergoing masculinising or feminising HRT, and their personal goals.
  • Person-Centered Approach: Evidence-based care in transgender care strongly emphasises the importance of respecting an individual's autonomy and preferences. Decisions about transitioning, treatments, and interventions are made collaboratively, considering the best available evidence and the person's values and goals. 

Gender-Affirming Medication

  • Puberty Blocker options
    • GnRHa injections
    • Spironolactone (for testosterone suppression)
  • Masculinising hormones options
    • Testosterone gel
    • Testosterone injections
  • Feminising hormones options
    • Estradiol gel
    • Estradiol patches
    • Estradiol pills
    • Bioidentical progesterone
  • Antiandrogen options
    • Finasteride / dutasteride
    • Spironolactone
    • Cyproterone acetate
    • GnRHa injections

Further Care

  • Monitoring:Individuals undergoing medical transition, such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for gender transition, may require regular blood tests and monitoring to ensure their safety, track progress, and adjust treatment as needed. Depending on the specific regimen, this may involve measuring:
    • Effectiveness of therapy against personal goals
    • Testosterone levels
    • Estradiol levels
    • Hematocrit for those taking testosterone
    • Liver Function Tests for those taking cyproterone acetate
    • Kidney Function Tests to measure potassium in those taking spironolactone
    • Growth and development for adolescents undergoing pubertal induction
  • These measurements can be taken at opportunistic times, or every three months following a treatment alteration, and yearly thereafter.
  • Routine Health Screenings: Transgender individuals should receive the same regular health screenings as cisgender individuals. This may include screenings for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and sexually transmitted infections, among others. The recommended screening schedule should be based on their individual risk factors and health status and anatomy rather than their gender identity.
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Support: All people undergoing medical transition should have access to licensed mental health professionals, such as therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, through video calls, chat, or phone calls. These professionals can offer evaluations, counseling, and treatment options for mental health issues and psychological support. Specialists in Gender Incongruence can be found on The Health and Wellbeing Directory.

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