Informing Family and Friends

Informing Family and Friends

Coming out is a significant step in your journey, and it’s wonderful that your family and friends are seeking to understand and support you. There are numerous resources available that can help them learn more about gender identity and how to be supportive allies. Here’s a list of resources and information you can share with them:

1. PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays):

  • Website: PFLAG
  • Resources: Offers a wide range of resources, including guides, brochures, and videos designed to help families and friends understand LGBTQ+ identities and how to offer support.

2. GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation):

  • Website: GLAAD
  • Resources: Provides educational materials and tips for allies who want to support LGBTQ+ individuals, including how to use inclusive language and understand LGBTQ+ issues.

3. The Trevor Project:

  • Website: The Trevor Project
  • Resources: Offers a variety of guides and resources for understanding LGBTQ+ identities, with a focus on supporting young people.

4. Human Rights Campaign (HRC):

  • Website: HRC
  • Resources: HRC offers resources specifically for those who are coming out, as well as guides for family and friends on how to be supportive.

5. Gender Spectrum:

  • Website: Gender Spectrum
  • Resources: Provides resources and information specifically about gender diversity, including how to support transgender and non-binary individuals.

6. Transgender Equality (National Center for Transgender Equality):

  • Website: Transgender Equality
  • Resources: Offers a variety of resources for transgender individuals and their families, including guides on understanding transgender people and how to be an ally.

7. Local LGBTQ+ Centres and Organisations:

  • Resources: Many communities have local LGBTQ+ centers that offer educational materials, workshops, and support groups for LGBTQ+ individuals and their families.

8. Books and Literature:

  • Consider recommending books that explore LGBTQ+ experiences and provide insight into what it means to be transgender or non-binary. Some popular titles include “This Is How It Always Is” by Laurie Frankel, “The Gender Creative Child” by Diane Ehrensaft, and “Transgender 101” by Nicholas M. Teich.

9. Support Groups and Workshops:

  • Encourage your family and friends to attend support groups or workshops designed for the loved ones of LGBTQ+ individuals. These can be invaluable spaces for learning and connecting with others who are going through similar experiences.


Educating family and friends about gender identity and how they can offer support is an important step in your journey. The resources listed above can provide a solid foundation for understanding and can help foster a supportive and inclusive environment as you navigate your path forward. Remember, you are not alone, and there is a wealth of support available for both you and your loved ones.

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