Informed Consent for Gender-Affirming Care

Informed Consent for Gender-Affirming Care

Informed consent is a voluntary and well-informed agreement given by an individual, typically a patient, after receiving clear and comprehensive information about the risks, benefits, alternatives, and potential consequences of medical treatment.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) advocates for an informed consent model of care when it comes to treating gender diverse individuals. This model is a patient-centered approach that emphasises respect for the individual’s autonomy in making decisions about their healthcare.

The Informed Consent Model of Care

  • Patient Autonomy: Patients are recognised as the primary decision-makers regarding their healthcare. They are given the freedom to make choices about their gender-affirming treatment without unnecessary barriers like psychiatric evaluation or proof of living in their gender identity for a certain period.
  • Comprehensive Information: Healthcare providers are responsible for ensuring that patients receive all relevant information regarding the benefits, risks, and potential outcomes of gender-affirming treatments. This includes details about hormone therapies, surgical options, and their possible side effects.
  • Voluntary Decision-making: Decisions made by patients under this model are voluntary and free from coercion. Patients are given ample time and resources to consider their options and make informed choices.
  • Accessibility: The informed consent model aims to make gender-affirming treatments more accessible by removing some of the traditional barriers that have historically made it difficult for gender diverse individuals to receive care.
  • Support and Resources: While the model emphasises patient autonomy, it also recognises the importance of providing support and additional resources. Healthcare providers may offer counseling or direct patients to support groups to help them navigate their transition.
  • Ongoing Care and Follow-up: Even after initial consent is given and treatment begins, ongoing care, including regular follow-ups and monitoring, is crucial. This ensures the wellbeing of the patient throughout their treatment journey.
  • The informed consent model reflects a progressive shift in transgender healthcare, focusing on empowering individuals and respecting their personal journey in gender identity and expression. It aligns with the broader goals of WPATH to promote evidence-based care, education, research, advocacy, and respect for transgender health.

GenderGP Treatment Recommendation

A comprehensive report that a member of GenderGP can provide to their personal healthcare provider to inform and guide the decisions regarding prescriptions and ongoing monitoring for hormone therapy.

  • Personal Health Profile: {membersName:first} has undertaken a detailed overview of the member's personal health profile, including information about their gender identity, medical history, current medications, and any relevant allergies or sensitivities.
  • Treatment Goals and Preferences: {membersName:first}'s treatment goals and preferences are outlined. This includes their desired outcomes from hormone therapy, such as feminisation, masculinisation, or other specific objectives. It also considers any preferences related to treatment methods and dosage forms.
  • Informed Consent: The recommendation emphasises the importance of obtaining informed consent from {membersName:first}, ensuring they fully understand the implications and potential effects of hormone therapy. This assessment has been undertaken and they bothe qualify for the criteria of gender incongruence and have the capacity to consent to treatment, or have someone to assit them in their decision-making.
  • Potential Risks and Benefits: Information about the potential risks and benefits associated with hormone therapy has been shared so that {membersName:first} has been able to make an informed discussion about treatment decisions.
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