Bridging Prescriptions Strategy in Gender-Affirming Care

Bridging Prescriptions Strategy in Gender-Affirming Care


In gender-affirming treatment, the concept of a bridging prescription is often used to facilitate continuity of care while essential prerequisites such as blood tests or gathering necessary information are being completed. This approach is critical to ensure that people safely transition with required monitoring.

The Role of the Three-Month Bridging Prescription

  • Interim Solution: The bridging prescription allows people to continue their current hormone therapy for a month. This period is crucial for those in the process of obtaining the required health assessments or arranging for necessary blood work.
  • Safety Measures: The bridging prescription is designed to maintain treatment while prioritising safety, especially in cases where ongoing medication requires careful monitoring based on health parameters.

Transitioning Post-Bridging Period

  1. Standard Adult Dose Requirement: After the three-month period, it is mandatory for people to transition to a standard adult hormone dosage if they haven’t managed to get the information or testing that is needed.
  2. Low-Risk Hormone Regimen:
  • The treatment plan will typically involve low-risk antiandrogens, such as GnRHa or Finasteride, which are considered safer options for long-term use, and reducing to standard hormone doses.
  • This regime is selected to minimise risks, especially in scenarios where ongoing monitoring is not feasible.

Importance of Blood Tests and Information Gathering

Critical for Safe Transition: The bridging period allows people to get their blood tests and any necessary medical information. They allow healthcare providers to tailor the hormone therapy appropriately, ensuring it aligns with the person’s health status and transition goals.


The three-month bridging prescription allows people to stay not heir current medication while they get their bloods done or other information. It underscores the importance of completing all necessary health evaluations and blood tests, ensuring that subsequent long-term hormone treatments are administered safely and effectively.

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